🌻 the updated nonhuman info carrd 🌻
made by clay (@baits on everskies)
(she/her but i dont care honestly)
updated 12/13/2022
what is nonhumanism?
inclusive language towards nonhumans
counterchecking / reality checking
types of nonhumans
frequently asked questions
nonhuman terms dictionary
what is nonhumanism?
nonhumanism or alterhumanism for another term is the belief, identity, or simply that one is not human.this can come in many forms such as spiritually, psychologically, or just being nonhuman. many nonhumans are spiritually nonhuman, or they’re nonhuman due to psychosis / being in a system/plurality.nonhumans can be any species, any inanimate object, a concept, anything that simply isn’t fully human. nonhuman is an umbrella and a spectrum full of many different experiences and identities/beliefs.
inclusive language for nonhumans
the words human/person/people is invalidating and for most nonhumans, it’s triggering and doesn’t apply to them. here are some terms that have been used around nonhuman spaces:being: is controversial and uncomfortable for some, users don’t prefer this term due it being dehumanizing or used in a inappropriate way when discussing about things such as dehumanization of users of colour. some users do use this term!
(plural form: beings)entity: same thing as being, just less used around nonhuman spaces.
(plural form: entities)user: by far the least controversial on the list, and the one used probably the most on site. user is short, sweet and isn’t inherently dehumanizing to the point it’s insensitive in some cases
(plural form: users)individual: is a little controversial due to the debate if systems should be referred to as one person or multiple people, some systems don’t mind this term, while others don’t particularly like this term
(plural form: individuals)the best thing to do is ask for someone’s preference on a specific term!
reality checking / counterchecking
reality checking is the act of checking someone back into reality, most commonly used towards psychotics and systems. reality checking in a common context is used towards psychotic users online. some psychotic users find it helpful while for others it plunges them deeper into delusions. this term should only be used towards psychotic and system nonhumans as reality checking doesn’t really affect nonpsychotics the same way it does to psychotics
never reality check unless the user asks you to, or if you’re a medical professional!to fix this issue, counterchecking is a term used to counter ones belief, identity in a misformed and or harmful way. counterchecking can be applied to many nonhumans regardless if it’s spiritual, a belief, an identity, psychological, etc. counterchecking comes from the word counter, which means to oppose
types of nonhumans
there are many different types of nonhumanity, as nonhumanity is a spectrum of many different experiences.
italics = link!endelic nonhumans: these are psychotic nonhumans, and nonhumans who’s identity is based off their delusions. many nonhumans fit into this category if they have psychosis or clinical lycanthropy (only if said nonhuman is a wolf/lycan)nonhuman alters: nonhuman alters can exist. usually they form because of dehumanizing trauma, or said nonhuman species being a significant part of helping your brain heal from the trauma. nonhuman alters can take up any form!otherkin/therians: otherkin and therians are a spiritual belief that one is nonhuman. otherkin can be any species while to be a therian you need to be a animal existing on earth.demi-humans: these users are part human, part another species. they aren’t fully nonhuman, however they’re also not fully human at the same time.neurodivergency: autistic users specifically get demonized and dehumanized and painted as animals. these users often use that trauma and insert it into their nonhuman identity.and many more! we don’t know all the ways to be nonhuman, but we do some.
frequently asked questions
Q: is this in any relation to furries/zoophilia?
A: for the first one no, but many furries are nonhumans/alterhumans, for the second one absolutely notQ: what is nonhumanism?
A: answered hereQ: can anyone be nonhuman?
A: yes!Q: are you nonhuman offline?
A: yes!Q: does your family know you’re nonhuman? are you out about it irl?:
A: it depends on the nonhuman you ask this to, for me noQ: are you bodily the race you are irl? does race exist in nonhumanity?:
A: yes. all nonhumans are bodily their race even as their species
nonhuman dictionary
nonhuman/alterhuman: a belief, identity or simply just being not human
demihuman: being partially human and partially nonhuman
otherkin: a spiritual belief of being not human, can be any species that isn’t fully human
therian: a spiritual belief of being not human, any earth existing species is considered a theriantrope
endel: endel means a nonhuman or alterhuman identity based off one’s delusions read more here!
reality checking: the act of checking someone into reality, usually used towards users who are experiencing delusions
counterchecking: the act of countering someone’s indestructible beliefs, identity or simply just them themselves, to oppose
human: a term for someone who is simply isn’t nonhuman, a regular human